“Abundance” Gallery 2017

These paintings were exhibited in my solo show “abundance” in November/ December 2017 at Gallery 503 in Lilyfield. The work continues to employ the patterns of fabric collected during my travels. I use these materials as a metaphor for the connecting fabric of the universe. The designs allude to the intricate and infinite design of our universe whose elements connect us intimately to each other.

I believe that we, plants and all natural creation are expressions of a Divine energy endlessly creating aspects of itself. So too, that divine energy exists in each of our moments; small gifts within each day. It is even seen in our moments of sorrow or boredom when the presence of the divine may not be as obvious as it is in our moments of joy. The group of works shown in “Abundance” explore manifestations of the divine as seen in the simple abundance of nature and us as human beings. This abundance is first seen in the vibrancy of colour and the many patterns in my paintings, then in the lush beauty of nature (I’m a mad gardener) and finally in each other, as seen in the many faces I paint. In a world where we can often feel we are not enough and that we don’t have enough, my work celebrates the abundance of our everyday world and hopefully serves as a reminder to connect with the beauty and prosperity that surrounds us.


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